May 10, 2022

How to get hired: 5 qualities that get you your dream job

Discover the key qualities Leadle looks for in candidates to join our dynamic software business team. From exhibiting genuine curiosity about our products and services to demonstrating a learning mindset geared towards market growth.

How do I land my dream job in a software business, especially when I’m more than qualified for the position but wasn’t chosen? What can I do differently?

These are common queries when interviewing with software companies. So, how does a company like Leadle, which prides itself on being a dynamic contributor to the software product industry, hire? To start off, we receive a plethora of stellar candidates making the selection process incredibly challenging. When everyone appears super qualified and brings the right experiences to the table, including familiarity with product management and customer support resources, how do we pinpoint the perfect match?

Ultimately, it boils down to the nuances. Don’t fret; we’re here to guide you so the next time you interview with us—or any leading software business for that matter—you’ll be equipped with insider knowledge ;)

1. Be curious

In the software and technology sector, ASKING QUESTIONS is vital. At Leadle, curiosity is not just encouraged; it’s expected. Your inquiries demonstrate a deeper understanding of the problem or software product you’ll be working on. In your first few months, we anticipate a barrage of questions. This constant customer interaction and quest for knowledge signify your interest in the product features, service offers, and, fundamentally, in the growth and betterment of our team and target market.

2. Being genuine helps

Aligning with a company’s culture is paramount in today’s software business landscape. At Leadle, transparency is at our core, and we seek this honesty in our human resources too. Authentically sharing your successes—and even more importantly, your failures—reveals a lot. It’s the recovery from these setbacks, fueled by customer feedback and team member support, that truly interests us.

Researching the company and the industry before your interview can provide insight into whether your target audience and market validation efforts align with those of the company.

3.  A positive state of mind

Positivity for us isn’t about relentless cheerfulness but about a "can-do" attitude towards work and adapting to any situation with an optimistic outlook. This outlook is critical when addressing customer satisfaction, market demand, or even internal projects in the early stages of market entry.

4. A learning mindset

A thirst for knowledge and personal growth is key in the software industry. It’s about understanding where the market fit and market growth opportunities lie and taking actionable steps towards achieving that market validation. Upskilling in areas that bolster your product idea concept, or deepen your understanding of our target customers, is highly valued.

5. Self awareness

Recognizing your strengths and weaknesses—and actively working on them—is a trait we admire. This self-awareness directly impacts product management, customer support resources, and how we as a team progress towards achieving product-market fit in existing markets.

Embodying these qualities will definitely make you stand out from other candidates. Now armed with this knowledge, what are you waiting for? If you’re looking to make a significant impact in a company that values software product innovation and market expansion, send your resume to

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